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Cultural studies

Culturology is a science that studies human culture and the patterns of its development under the influence of various factors. The knowledge that formed its basis was originally accumulated and systematized by other sciences. Modern cultural studies studies not only culture, but also other spheres of life, intersecting with such sciences as history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, linguistics and psychology.


"The theory of culture"  is a subject where the morphology, anatomy of culture and ontology, philosophical and theoretical understanding of culture in the intellectual history of culture are studied; basic knowledge about methods of culture research; theory and concepts, practices and approaches to research in the field of cultural studies
- formation of skills for analyzing the theoretical foundations of the humanities and cultural studies, possesses general laws of knowledge, modern scientific ideas about culture, training a specialist familiar with the prospects and complexity of the modern socio-cultural situation.


"The history of cultural science" is about  the emergence of cultural studies, communication with other sciences, students getting a general idea of the phenomenon of culture, achievements of world and domestic culture, the state of cultural studies in modern Kazakhstan. The main objectives of the discipline are: the formation of students' learning outcomes in subjects (RC) along with subject competencies in OP (OP). To introduce students to the scientific approach to cultural studies related o the humanitarian tradition, including philosophical, sociological, psychological and ethnological approaches.


"Information and communications technology (ICT)" is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications[1] and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate information.

"Modern history of Kazakhstan" is about the main historical stages of modern history of Kazakhstan,
full-fledged education; formation and development of the state, historical and cultural processes.
students ' attention to continuity and continuity. 


"Physical culture"  at the university is designed for self conducing physical exercises capable of methodically adjusting control standards/tests of physical fitness. 

"English language" forms students' intercultural and communicative competencies, i.e. a complex integrative integrity consisting of linguistic, debatable speech, cultural, social and strategic components.

"Russian Language" forms the socio-humanitarian outlook of students in the context of the national idea of spiritual modernization, which presupposes the development on the basis of national consciousness and cultural code of the qualities of internationalism, tolerant attitude to world cultures and languages as translators of world-class knowledge, advanced modern technologies, the use and transfer of which can ensure the modernization of the country and personal career growth of future specialists.

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