Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (KazNPU)is the first higher educational institution in Kazakhstan. Founded in 1928. KazNPU named after Abai is a large scientific and educational center in the field of higher and postgraduate education in the areas of training: "Education", "Humanities", "Natural Sciences", "Social Sciences and Business", "Art", etc. The university has seven institutes: Pedagogy and Psychology; Mathematics, Physics and Informatics; Philology and multilingual education; Arts, Culture and Sports; Natural Science and Geography; History and Law; Sorbonne-Kazakhstan. There is also a faculty of pre-university training for foreigners.
Many outstanding figures of science and culture, writers of Kazakhstan are graduates of KazNPU named after Abai, which the university is very proud of. These are S. Amanzholov, H. Bekhozhin, H. Zhumaliev, O. Zhautykov, M. Karataev, A. Iskakov, A. Kalybaeva, S. Kirabaev, G. Omarbekova, J. Sain, Sh. Satpaeva, R. Syzdykova, A. .Tazhibaev, G. Kaiyrbekov, G. Sadvakasova. They have made an invaluable contribution to the training of qualified specialists. Within the walls of the Kazakh education center, graduates gained knowledge, who later became prominent state and public figures who made a huge contribution to the development of science, education and culture.